SIM 3320 Centrifugal Pump

3320 Centrifugal Pump Simulation

SIM 3320 Centrifugal Pump

SIM 3320 Centrifugal Pump model shows a tank with a variable feed supply of water. Water from the tank is pumped away by two pumps in parallel.

About the sim

Model Description

Each pump has a suction and discharge valve with a start permissive interlock system to teach correct pump operation. The pumps also have a minimum flow recycle system. The head curve for each pump is also displayed to give a visual representation of their operation.

The feed flow of water is controlled by a hand valve.

The level in the vessel is controlled by cascade level control.

The minimum flow recycle flow is controlled by a flow controller on the pumps discharge.

The outlet pressure of the system can be varied to test the pumps performance.

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