February  2024

An insightful article penned by our CEO, Andrew Bolton, following his attendance in a recent CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage) & Hydrogen Decarbonisation conference.

Andrew delves into crucial discussions surrounding global efforts in combatting climate change and the role of CCUS technology in achieving our environmental goals.

One of the standout points highlighted by Andrew is the pressing need for worldwide agreements and collaboration. Drawing from his firsthand experience at the conference, he emphasises the significance of international cooperation in driving innovation and scaling up carbon capture initiatives on a global scale.

Moreover, he sheds light on the UK’s immense storage capacity for captured CO2. With its vast geological formations, the UK presents a prime opportunity for carbon storage, playing a pivotal role in the transition to a low-carbon future.

Read Andrew’s article for a deeper understanding of the key takeaways from the CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation conference and how these insights are shaping our approach towards sustainability.

#CCUS #ClimateAction #Sustainability #CarbonCapture #ClimateChange

#GlobalAgreements #UKStorageCapacity #dynamicprocessmodelling

#processsimulation #hydrogen