University of Hull

Solution: 3D Virtual Control Room & Process Simulation

Hull, Yorkshire, UK. 2017 – 2019

3D Virtual Control Room & Process Simulation

TSC delivered a Virtual Control Room with 3D Virtual Reality interactions to The University of Hull’s Chemical Engineering Department.

Combining the use of high-fidelity dynamic simulation models to the 3D environment helps The University bridges the gap between theory and real-life for training in process control.

The students gain an in-depth understanding for what it is like to work on a processing facility as both a field operator and a control room technician. The system is being used to build their knowledge of plant design, HAZOPs, and process safety.


Hull university Virtual Control Room Dynamic Process Simulation

Generic Simulations

Along with the 3D environments, TSC have supplied several high-fidelity generic simulation models so the theory learnt in lectures can be put to the test. The generic models have workbooks which ensures that the students have a good understanding of how each system works and how changes to the system affects the overall dynamics.

In 2019 the University approached TSC to co-ordinate the moving of all existing TSC products to a new location, TSC dismantled and recommissioned the hardware in a new location for the university and updated all the software.

SIM 4310 Fractionation Train

Simulations Included

The system includes a variety of process simulations from Introduction to Process control and Unit Operations and Plant system range. These include process elements such as reactors, amine systems, columns and refrigeration systems. They also include complete systems such as the TSC Fractionation Train and Onshore MEM simulators. A 3D display wall interactively operates with the Centrifugal Compressor skid model SIM 8000.

The combination of the simulation models, the virtual control room and the 3D interactive VR technology sets The University of Hull aside as a world class training facility for our future chemical engineers.

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